Humans love treats and our brains are primed to want fuel. When you eat these cookies, make them with love and enjoy them with gusto. The ingredients I chose provide brain fuel, minimize inflammation for most people, and provide healing help for your brain.

I developed these cookies as a way to incorporate chaga mushrooms into my diet as part of my cancer-prevention strategy. Chaga mushrooms are super high in beta-glucans which feed your white blood cells so they speed around your body killing things that should not be there. While I use LifeCykel’s double liquid chaga extract daily, I see only positives from making these cookies too!

If you are worried enough about your immune function to find this recipe, you could probably use some help lowering your stress – hence the Ashwagandha in the recipe!

Moon Juice has interesting blends of adaptogenic herbs of excellent quality. I like Brain Dust almost as much as I like their Sex Dust ;-)

Chocolate Chaga Brain Cookies

Cookies that taste great while boosting your immune system and supporting brain health!
Course: Snack
Keyword: Adaptogenic, Healthy Fats, Immunity, Protein
Servings: 12 Cookies


Dry Ingredients

  • 2 cups almond flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/8-1/4 tsp sea salt (with minerals!)
  • 1/2 cup bittersweet or dark chocolate chips fair trade please!
  • 2 scoops collagen powder to add protein
  • 1 tsp chaga mushroom powder for your immune system
  • t tsp Brain Dust from Moon Juice adaptogenic for your brain
  • 1 tsp ashwagandha powder to improve how you handle stress

Wet Ingredients

  • 1/4 cup softened grass-fed butter its good and good for you!
  • 2-3 Tbsp sorghum syrum from Next Step Produce
  • 1 tsp real vanilla extract I make mine with rum


  • Mix all the dry ingredients together in a mixing bowl
  • Add butter and other wet ingredients and blend
  • Shape into 12 little round-ish shapes and place on a baking pan – I use a stoneware pan. You should use a safe non-toxic pan too.
  • Bake for 10-15 min depending on your pan type. Stoneware pans always require longer times but they do not burn the cookies!


I developed these cookies as a way to incorporate chaga mushrooms into my diet. Chaga mushrooms are super high in beta-glucans which feed your white blood cells so they speed around your body killing things that should not be there.
If you are worried enough about your immune function to find this recipe, you could probably use some help lowering your stress – hence the Ashwagandha in the recipe!
Moon Juice has interesting blends of adaptogenic herbs of excellent quality. I like Brain Dust almost as much as I like their Sex Dust ;-)

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