Core Strength and Pelvic Floor Toning for Both Men and Women
You have heard that having a strong core is good. But where exactly is your core? Through your whole body!
Is this you?
Everything feels heavy now including you. That “core” class you tried a while back made you hurt for days. You want to get stronger but you worry the gym will hurt you too.
Pelvic Floor Issues
Both men and women have instances where they need better pelvic floor strength, relaxation, communication with the brain, and integration with the rest of the body.
Whether you just had a baby or not, your pelvic floor can be a source of pleasure, pain, embarrassment, and concern. The pelvic floor is the bottom of your “core” muscles and needs to be strong, pliable, and communicate with the rest of the body effectively.
Not sure if your pelvic floor could use some changes? If you are experiencing:
- unexplained hip and low back pain
- unwanted “sprinkling” when you sneeze, cough, or laugh
- overuse of the “just in case” trip to the bathroom
- discomfort or challenge during sex
- difficulty using your core muscles
The answer to your problems may lie with your pelvic floor and I can help!
Pelvic Floor Testimonial
One area of concern for many women is strengthening the pelvic floor. As a female competitive power-lifter this is even more of a concern, after exhausting several non surgical options for help in this area I came to Zoa. With Zoa’s knowledge and gentle guidance we started with weekly sessions, exercises geared to help me in everyday situations as well as competing. Over several weeks I noticed less and less “accidents”. Without her help I have no doubt the doctor’s next option would have been surgery.
Sometimes I laugh so hard tears roll down my leg ~ Anonymous
You just have to be gentle with yourself. ~ Reese Witherspoon
Core Issues
Your core is centered on your abdomen and spine but extends up to your shoulders, down to your hips, to the roof of your mouth, and the arches of your feet.
Weak core muscles occur for many reasons. Men and women can both develop a weak core via increased weight gain, abdominal or back surgery, pregnancy, or improper core recruitment during weight lifting (sometimes just a gallon of milk does the trick!). Your core might be weak because it is compromised or damaged. Your core might be weak simply because your brain does not know how to get the core muscles to work.
A gap in the abdominal muscles in the front of your body is called a Diastasis Recti. How do you know if you have a diastasis recti?
- Does a round of football shaped section of your belly puff out when you try and engage your core muscles?
- Does the part of your belly feel soft and squishy deep on the inside no matter what you do
- Are you having pelvic floor issues?
- Does your low back get uncomfortable frequently – especially if you lift something?
Core Testimonial
Zoa was an excellent postpartum resource following the birth of my 4th child. As a certified Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist (PCES) through Dr. Sarah Ellis Duvall’s Core Exercise Solutions, she provided the knowledge and in-person support that I needed to begin the recovery process and improve my pelvic floor and core strength. Zoa was extremely supportive, patient, and committed to my success. I am very grateful for her support as it positively influenced both my physical and emotional well-being
Working with Zoa on Your Core and Pelvic Floor
The best way to get started is to schedule a private consultation so we can develop a plan together. Zoa’s personal experience with natural childbirth along with her training about the pelvic floor, diastasis recti, and much more can be at your full disposal.
In this private consultation, we will explore your starting point, discuss your goals, investigate what your body and mind are capable of right now, and decide how to best proceed forward. My knowledge and skills combined with your movement, thoughts, goals, and determination will make a big difference in how you feel and how you function!
Pilates for Strength
Pilates is the exercise modality of choice when increased strength of your pelvic floor and core muscles is the goal. Equipment Pilates is the best but sometimes life and finances dictate that Mat Pilates is what you can do. Luckily for you, at Zen and Vitality with Zoa they can both work for your needs.
Equipment Pilates allows Zoa to lessen the weight of your legs, arms, and torso in order to allow the proper amount of challenge as you build strength core strength through the movements. The use of props (a small soft ball will become your new best friend!) during either type of class will be a key factor in getting everything in the body and mind to work together to reach your chosen goal.
Yoga for Release
Yoga is a fabulous tool for many people dealing with tight hips, a cranky low back, and pelvic floor issues. The gentle stretching that occurs during a Zen Flow Yoga practice relaxes the body as a whole and the pelvic area in particular.
The pelvic floor is made up of muscles going almost every direction possible. A yoga class provides plenty of opportunities to stretch the inner thighs, all around the hips, the low back, the feet, the upper back, the shoulders, the back of legs, and of course the pelvic floor directly. The calming environment of a yoga session activates your “tend and befriend” part of your nervous system helping to soften tight places in the body.