
Gut healthy kombucha with nothing added

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Kombucha is a tea based fermented drink that is gut healthy. The bottles you purchase at the store are often too sweet! Brewing your own can feel like somewhere between having a new puppy and just one more living thing that you have to feed and take care of. Enter the Monthly Kombucha Subscription as part of the Organic Prepared Food services!

At Zoa’s La Plata, MD studio, you can now pickup up a pint jar of kombucha each week – easy peasy. Choose your day of the week and flavor and then just show up! Bring back your empty jar to refill and things will run smoothly.

This is ready to drink (or almost depending on the temperature of the studio!) but fermented just once. If you want to add fruit and spices to give it a 2nd ferment you will end up with a bubbly fruity sweet beverage. I like mine flat and just the flavor of the tea for daily drinking.

Get your pint every week! Up to 5 pickups per month. If you want more, purchase 2 subscriptions!

Ready to make your own? Get a SCOBY to use as a starter!