Americans have a strange relationship with money. Women in particular do!
Updated 10/8/23; Originally posted 11/27/20
- What does money mean to you?
- What are you worth?
- How valuable is your time?
- What is holding you back in your career success?
- What does success mean?
- What are the personal characteristics that women who make a lot of money have?
- How do we sabotage ourselves our of higher incomes?

These questions and more are raised and discussed in this fabulous book: The Secrets of Six-Figure Women: Surprising Strategies To Up Your Earnings and Change Your Life by Barbara Stanny.
About the Book
The author begins with explaining her hesitancy to write this book and how her curiosity developed enough for her to say yes to the project. She discusses her findings after interviewing women who made six figures and women who did not. She compares and contrasts their lifestyles, work ethic, and family-work balance. Guess what she found?
ALL women work hard. Some women love their jobs but not all. Not all high earners work long crazy hours. You can make a lot of money in almost every imaginable type of career. Some jobs simply do not make much money.
Why is this Book in the Zen Lending Library?
The title attracted me at first of course. That’s what titles do!
As a small business owner, money is a tricky thing. I advocate for financial wellness for myself and my clients. I advocate financial wellness for my family as well. I work to make sure that everyone’s wellness is supported. But hey, why not make a little more income?
What do I have to do to make more money?
- I am an excellent workaholic. Just ask anyone I have worked for! They have gotten much more than their money’s worth out of me. I am my own boss now and balance is important.
- I am a horrid consumer. I prefer not to spend money on most things but am happy to spend money on things I value.
- I do not want to undersell myself. I do not want to overprice my business services and block some of the most important people from receiving my help with their wellness.
This book encourages a deeper level of self exploration about money and your relationship to it. It draws out your personal definition of success. It shows you your biases and exposes your attitudes (both helpful and not!). It gives you an opportunity to grow your financial wellness without directly addressing your finances themselves. That is why I chose it for the Wellness Book Club.
This used book was purchased for the Zen Library from Better World Books, a B corporation that donates a book to someone in need for every book purchased.