What do you do when you feel bad in so many different ways and yet your doctor finds “nothing wrong with you”? You might be on several medications or have several diagnoses but still feel like crap. You want answers and solutions – in any order! You want to be heard. Mostly you just want to feel better, healthy, vibrant, and be able to enjoy life not just stay alive.
Meet Glenda
When I met Glenda, she had to drag herself out of bed in the morning. She drank coffee several times a day to make it through her work day. She struggled to not be in pain in the evenings, and didn’t know what she needed to do to feel better.
Even though Glenda is a trained nurse, she could not figure out what to do without help.
After working with me for 1.5 years, Glenda healed from mold illness and now has the energy and the ability to enjoy life that she sought. Here is the story of her mold healing journey.
Uncovering Glenda’s Problem: Mold
The first day I met Glenda, I suspected she’d had an exposure to mold at some point in her life. She was a lifelong asthmatic, dealt with depression and anxiety, had gut and digestion issues including constipation, slept poorly, experienced whole body chronic pain, and had challenging menstrual cycles. Mold toxicity affects every system in the body – brain, muscles, liver, hormones, digestion, and more. A typical western medicine trained physician excels at problems in one single area of the body. Mold presents everywhere and requires a whole body, big picture approach.
Money was tight for Glenda so we decided to focus her funds where they could improve her life rather than answering questions for other people’s benefit. She knew of a recent mold exposure that resulted in a change of houses to one she thought was clean and safe from mold. We skipped the standard mold testing of her environment and body and jumped into supporting her body’s efforts to detox from mold.
Preparing to Detox From Mold
Glenda did not have the mental or physical energy to make lots of decisions about daily things like what to eat/cook/buy or which supplements to take. People in chronic pain like Glenda know that being in pain all the time is exhausting.
We needed to get her body the nutrition that it needed fast – with the smallest amount of work possible. We relied on supplements at the beginning and transitioned her to foods with exceptional nutrition when she felt better enough to be cooking again. The main goal was to bathe the cells in her body and brain with all the nutrients they need to function at their best.
We needed to take away her chronic pain which we did via multiple techniques including but not limited to gentle yoga, a quantum HEAL capsule, infrared sauna, and light therapy.
Mold Detox Part 1
Glenda was ready for the next step when she and her husband were able to return to cooking meals after work and on the weekends and also when she was no longer constipated. I guided her as to which foods to focus on, which foods to minimize, and made sure she knew how to source the healthiest foods she could afford since the quality of her ingredients was paramount to her health.
Our first step in actual detox was to use homeopathic remedies that come from Germany like the Big 3 Detox Kit from Pekana. I like to explain that homeopathics are gentle reminders to your body from the plant world about how to do the body’s job better. They can be gentle or quite provocative depending on the remedy and the dosage. Detox via the gut requires a binder to help escort toxins out of your body and into the toilet every morning. Her sleep was less interrupted, she had more energy, and her cognitive function improved!
Glenda combined the homeopathics with continued use of the Ionic Detox Footbath to support liver function, Red/Infrared Light Therapy for energy, Infrared Sauna for internal healing, and Vibration Therapy for increased lymphatic flow. She used enough services every month that she went for the Unlimited Wellness Membership – Detox Package.
Mold Detox Part 2
Afters months on the homeopathics, Glenda was ready to step up her healing intensity. She felt she had plateaued. We discovered that her workplace was a daily source of new mold exposure but who can just change jobs on the spur of the moment? She also discovered a second new source of mold – her new-to-her house! She needed mold remediation for her house and found a company she was very happy with.
We worked to clean up her work environment, minimize how much time she spend there, and maximize her ability to detox every single day. She upgraded to a detox protocol that I personalized for her unique body needs using the products from Quicksilver Scientific like Liver Sauce, liposomal Glutathione, and Kidney Care.
Setting Up Her Wellness Lifestyle
Glenda is one of the many people on the planet who does not detox as well as she would like. She recognized this and started to apply her nursing and her newfound wellness knowledge to prepare her lifestyle and home to enable an optimal wellness lifestyle that suited the needs of herself and her family.
Her home now has its own vibration plate, a small red/infrared light panel, and a detox footbath so she can more easily fit these wellness activities into her life without being apart from her family.
Glenda is active with her body, prioritizes sleep for its recovery and healing benefits, and chooses high quality, nutrient dense foods that make her feel great! She has learned to recognize her body’s messages when she is exposed to something toxic and knows what to do to support her optimal health. Go Glenda!