Personal Ionic Detox Foot Bath

Ionic Detox Foot Bath for your unlimited use at home

Pricing and Availability

Original price was: $599.00.Current price is: $495.00.

17% Off

Full Description

Soaking in a detoxifying ionic footbath weekly is excellent preventative medicine against every day environmental toxins out of your control. If you are dealing with chronic pain, mold-related illness, or other whole body detox issue, soaking every few days might make the difference between feeling decent and feeling poor. If your schedule dictates these foot baths should be done at home, this purchase is for you!

This is the same Ionic Detox Foot Bath you can do in person at Zen and Vitality. In addition to this purchase, you will need

  • a dish bin committed to this purpose (just a few $ at someplace like Target) because it will get discolored with rust
  • a towel that can get rusty stained without making you sad
  • a place to keep everything together (I use a laundry basket)

Included in your Ionic Foot Bath purchase:

  • 1 Professional grade Power Control unit (USA/Canada usage only)
  • 1 MAX “Quad” ionizing array with cable
  • 1 shaker REAL Sea Salt
  • Sample packet of Emergen-C electrolyte
  • Quick Start Guide

Your purchase will be drop shipped directly to you from the manufacturer (a small family owned business in AZ providing handmade in the USA equipment).