Hormone Replenishment Support Plan

Guidance as you start hormone replenishment

Pricing and Availability


Full Description

Menopause and Andropause are challenging times for women and men – particularly if you are concerned about your cognitive health, heart health, and ability to stay off long term pharmaceutical medications. Your sex hormones (estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone) are crucial messengers around the body that keep everything working splendidly. If your hormone levels are or have declined enough for you to notice the changes, it is time to explore and experiment with bioidentical hormones for your own long term wellness of both brain and body.

Zoa’s Hormone Replenishment Support Plan is a 3 month plan designed to help you navigate the use of supplemental bioidentical hormones. This plan includes:

  • 25 min hormone intro conversation about your needs, concerns, questions, and experience with hormones
  • Periodic use of Zoa’s Hormone Related Symptom Assessment to guide your selection of hormones to supplement
  • Written implementation plan for over the counter bioidentical hormones that may or may not include:
  • 3 additional 15 min wellness consultations to be scheduled freely over the next 3 months to discuss your progress, needed tweaks to your hormone dosages, concerns, or questions
  • 10% discount on your plan’s hormone products
  • Opt to Add: a hormone focused blood test panel which informs us about your current hormonal state
  • Option to continue getting your hormone products via a Custom Supplement Subscription

** Suggestions are offered as part of this plan, but any additional services or costs required to implement those suggestions are outside the scope of this plan.

You are eligible to request to be a Hormone Replenishment Support Plan participant once you have completed your first month of experimentation with Zen and Vitality.