Your brain is the most important organ you have if you want to live long and feel better not older for decades. Zoa conceived her Brain Vitality classes in order to nourish and challenge brain health. While all of Zoa’s classes encourage both relaxation and challenge of the mind, their main priority is usually something else (core strength, shoulders, etc.). During Brain Vitality class, everything we do is focused on improving your brain. The side benefit is it helps your body too!
Do You Need Brain Vitality?
Your brain will thrive with Brain Vitality classes if you:
- Need help settling down after a busy day
- Are slow to fully wake in the morning
- Have trouble focusing throughout the day
- Are low on energy and tempted to skip class (!)
- Need some self care but aren’t sure what type

The 4 Components of a Brain Vitality Class
- Breathing – You brain works best when it has all the fuels it requires: oxygen, glucose, and ketones. Breathing provides oxygen so we begin class with focusing on your breath and expanding your breathing abilities.
- Movement – All 3 fuels are delivered to your brain via blood flow so the next logical step is to get blood flowing up to the brain through movement.
- Thinking – Once your brain has oxygen and blood flow, we can challenge your brain with patterns and movements that are not part of your normal daily life. No turning into a pretzel here – just thinking movements that help you avoid falling, improve your balance, grow new neurons, and strengthen your internal body map.
- Meditation – You brain is ever changing and meditation is a time honored tool for improving your brain function and supporting emotional health (among many other benefits). Zoa’s live guided meditation at the end of this class sets you up for a fabulous day or a restful sleep!
Small Group Brain Vitality Class
Brain Vitality Online
When you take this class virtually, you will the same things as you do for a standard movement class – space to move or lie down or a small section of wall; some small fitness props like a 9-12″ soft ball, a flex band, and possible a set of <3 lb handweights; and tools to make you comfortable for meditation such as a pillow, blanket, or chair. Some portions of this class use video (if possible), other segments are audio only.
Brain Vitality In Studio
When you come to the La Plata, MD studio to take this class in person, Zoa provides everything you will need. Just bring your smile (even if it is hiding somewhere deep inside) and a willingness to improve your brain. A sense of humor always helps but that grows during class also!