Custom Blood Tests
Full Description
You can augment your Doctor/insurance based orders for bloodwork with supplemental orders to give you additional wellness information. You would take both set or orders (from your doctor and from me/Evexia) to the same LabCorp blood draw appointment and have the technician draw blood for everything at once. It does not work to make two separate trips! Bloodwork is a snapshot in time otherwise the interpretation is questionable!
If you are interested in this option, we need to work out the details of the orders together after you receive your copy of the doctor ordered/insurance covered test orders. That way we can fill in the blanks of what you need.
Price: The fee in your shopping cart ($25) is to me for arranging your blood test orders. The actual blood test cost is to be determined based on the markers you need and will be paid directly to Evexia.
Consult: I suggest you include either a Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis or a Wellness Consultation with Zoa to accompany this testing plan! What good are the test results if you don’t know what they mean?