Updated 10/8/23; Originally posted 9/23/21
I do not know a single person who wants to pee when sneezing, coughing, laughing, lifting something heavy, or walking (to the bathroom!). Did you know that many people successfully solve this embarrassing problem without a medical intervention? You too can stop incontinence naturally! It usually takes time and attention, but like most important things in life – waiting is worth it.
Step 1: Check the health of your urinary system
Question: Do you have a urinary tract infection?
A bladder infection or UTI can create an urgency to pee and sensations of discomfort that are hard to ignore and distressing. You can end up with a UTI from a change of diet, holding in urine (whether intentionally or on purpose), or sexual play – among other reasons. Once you have tested and established that you do not have a UTI, we proceed to wellness oriented solutions!

Action 1: See your doctor or other test location
Step 2: Get the health of your pelvic floor assessed
Question: Is your pelvic floor contributing to your incontinence?
Everyone needs a pelvic floor that is both strong and pliable. Your pelvic floor needs to move when you breathe. It should bounce like a trampoline held at the perfect tension level. Too taught and your pelvic floor is likely to create pain deep in your hips and low back. Too loose and your internal organs drop low creating discomfort and sometimes pain in a different way. Things could even fall out! If you are leaking or sprinkling when you sneeze, cough, or laugh you likely have some work to do on your pelvic floor and core. I’d love to work with you!

Action 2: Schedule a Pelvic Floor Assessment with me or another pelvic floor expert. We can work in person (if you live in Southern Maryland) or virtually!
Step 3: Assess your core muscles
Question: Is your core weakness contributing to your incontinence?
When you have a toned core that is both flexible and strong, your internal organs are held up against gravity and the weight of your torso feels light on your hips. A strong set of core muscles supports your bodyweight so the pressure on your bladder is low. Your core muscles may be compromised by weight gain, pregnancy, chronic tension in your back, hips, and legs, or scar tissue from surgeries. Your movement patterns may be ignoring or fighting your core muscles ability to support you. I can help you retrain your brain, movement patterns, and build the ideal amount of strength and flexibility from the inside out.

Action 3: Schedule a Core Strength Assessment with me or another core expert. We can work in person (if you live near La Plata, MD) or virtually!
Step 4: Monitor your water intake
Question: Do you need to adjust your water intake?
Every body is different, but there are some guidelines to follow for water intake for optimal health and peeing. Too much water and you pee all the time. Not enough and your dehydration causes UTIs, constipation (which is confusing to your bladder), and general stress through the body.
Electrolyte minerals are important to keep your water in and around your cells. Sodium and potassium need to be balanced or your cells want to explode or implode! Read more about how to get the healthiest, best water for your body!

Action 4: Track your water/electrolyte intake for a few days and schedule a Wellness Consultation with me or another nutrition expert. We can work in person (if you life near Charles County, MD) or virtually!
Step 5: Track your sugar
Question: How can you lower your sugar intake?
Sugar is everywhere in today’s world and eating too much of it will create blood sugar and urination problems. Sugar is inflammatory and adds stress to your body. Sugar is balanced by insulin which tires your pancreas, challenges your liver, and often leads to a diabetes diagnosis. In your body’s effort to get rid of the sugar and the inflammation by-products, you generate more urine and need to pee more frequently.